I’m super excited because tomorrow, I should get my boot off my foot and be allowed to start running again.
This is great because the first of October is usually when I lay out my running goals for the following year.
Why the beginning of the 4th quarter and not on New Years?
Well, there are 3 main reasons.
Usually, the racing season is over and base training resumes again. So it’s time to reflect over this season and plan for goal races next year. The thing is, you need to start preparing 6 to 9 months in advance for your goal race.
I’m sure you’re aware, once you have your goal races picked out, you have to commit to some races very early, either to enter a lottery, complete a qualifier, or to have a chance to register before it fills.
It’s time to ramp up strength training from 2 times a week to 3 times a week during the winter. So you need to decide the best strength workout to get you through the winter.
For me, my initial goal is to run our local marathon in May as a Boston Qualifier for the following year. That gives me about 4 months of base training before I transition into more marathon specific training.
My goal for base training is to become very proficient at running for 2 hours at an easy pace. At the same time, I’ll be doing short sprints every 2 weeks to build my neuromuscular system and fast twitch muscles. Both of these will ensure I’m prepared for my marathon specific training.
This summer, I’ve been doing strength training at home, but starting next week, I’ll be hitting the gym to lift heavier free weights to build my muscle mass.
Running wise, this year for me was a bust due to my heart attack. But I’m planning on having my best year next year.
Have you made your plan for your best year yet?
Are you ready to finally get it done?
Now's the time to decide how you are going to stretch yourself.
Get in the best shape of your life.
Earn that race PR.
Do that event you never thought your could complete.
It doesn't matter how old you are or how out of shape you are, the only limits are what you put on yourself.
You have more hidden capability than you can imagine!
Now's a great time to work on your goals for next year!
Have a great week!